Awakening the Dawn: Embracing Each Morning with Purpose

As I reflect on the transformative power of morning routines, I find that this week’s law—waking up early to “Awaken the Dawn”—comes at the most opportune time in my life. Just yesterday, I had the privilege of meeting an incredibly inspiring woman, the founding CEO of a company valued at $150 million, dedicated to enhancing home care for elderly citizens. Her story and approach to life left a profound impression on me.

During our conversation, I asked her to share her journey and the secrets behind her success. She revealed a simple yet powerful piece of advice from her mother: “Problems are just giant elephants that need to be attacked bite by bite.” This metaphor resonated deeply with me. It reminds us that every challenge can be broken down into manageable parts.

This remarkable woman explained that she begins her day at 7:30 AM with a well-structured routine. She swims, enjoys a healthy breakfast, brews a cup of coffee, and takes a mindful walk to work. By the time she arrives at the office, she’s ready to tackle the day head-on, not stopping until she’s completed her tasks. Each day is a series of battles, fought diligently until the obstacles are overcome.

What struck me about her approach is how closely it aligns with the wisdom shared in the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch and the teachings of King David, who said, “I awaken the dawn; the dawn does not awaken me.” This isn’t just a call to wake up early; it’s a call to take ownership of our mornings and the potential they hold.

Imagine waking up before the world stirs, watching the sun rise and illuminating your path. This time can be sacred—a moment to reflect on your goals, aspirations, and the unique role you play in this vast universe. The dawn offers a fresh start, an opportunity to set the tone for the day and approach our tasks with intention and clarity.

In our busy lives, it’s easy to hit the snooze button, to allow the day to dictate our pace and direction. However, by embracing the early morning hours, we can become proactive rather than reactive, engaging with the world around us with a sense of purpose. It’s about more than just getting up; it’s about awakening our minds and hearts to the possibilities ahead.

So, as you consider your own mornings, ask yourself: How can you awaken the dawn in your life? What challenges will you choose to tackle bite by bite? Remember, every day presents a blank canvas, and it’s up to us to paint our masterpiece.

You can do it.

I hope this message inspires you to rise early and embrace the potential that each new day brings. Let’s fight those elephants together, one bite at a time!


Awakening the Mind: Embrace Learning Every Day


Rise and Roar: Embracing Each New Day